Bank Compliance Checkup Compliance
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The Bank Compliance Check Up Program

Compliance monitoring has never been so stress-free. Simply select the desired Checklist, complete by answering Yes, No, N/A, add comments as applicable, and print the report.   Use Bank Compliance Check Up to:

  • Determine how well your compliance program is meeting requirements
  • Determine the effectiveness of training
  • Evaluate the strengths of your compliance program
  • Save time in creating reports for your Board and Management Latest Checklists added:
  • Tech related – red flags and service providers
  • Quality mortgage rules affecting Regulation Z, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), Regulation B and appraisals

  The program features:

  • Expanded section for notes and comments
  • A Summary Report including Yes to No response ratio
  • Tallies the Yes, No, and N/A responses 

A growing portfolio of 75+ checklists for:

  • Deposit, Lending, Administrative, and IT/Tech/Security regulations

  New checklists are added as regulations and guidance change. Enhancements to the Compliance Check Up program include:

  • Much faster load times
  • Easier method for responding to questions – Saves time and effort
  • Ability to save and return to resume a Checklist at a later time

Format: Subscription

Use the Bank Compliance Check Up program to save time and take the guesswork out of compliance monitoring. This program requires Microsoft Office™, version 2010 or newer. (The program has been tested on Office 2007 SP3 and is fully functional, but as the product support lifecycle from Microsoft has expired, we no longer support Office 2007 installations.)

Ongoing monitoring is critical for your compliance program to be successful. The program will help you:

  • Determine if your compliance program is meeting requirements
  • Decide if your training is effective
  • Highlight strengths and spot weaknesses

Simply select the desired checklist, complete by answering Yes, No, N/A, add comments as applicable, and print the report. The report tells you which areas may need a follow up. Use the report to demonstrate to your Board and Management the effectiveness of your compliance program.

Click here for a Compliance Check Up Sample Report

Train, Test, Monitor, and Policy: 

  • Train
    • Admin
      • Bank Protection Act Training Agenda
      • Garnishment Training
      • ID theft Training Agenda
      • Information Security Training Agenda
      • Reg P Privacy Training Agenda
    • Deposit
      • BSA Beneficial Ownership Requirements 1010.230 Training Agenda
      • BSA CIP Training Agenda
      • BSA Elderly Financial Exploitation and SARs
      • BSA Monetary Instrument Training Agenda 1010.415
      • Healthcare Fraud Training Agenda
      • ID Theft and Tax Refund Training Agenda
      • Regulation CC (Current Regulation) Training Agenda
      • Regulation DD Disclosures Training Agenda
      • Regulation DD Overdraft Training Agenda
      • Regulation DD Training Agenda
      • Regulation E Consumer Liability Training Agenda
      • Regulation E Error Resolution Training Agenda
      • Regulation E Overdraft Service Requirements 1005.17
      • Regulation E Payroll Cards Training Agenda 1005.18
      • Regulation E Requirements for Gift Cards Certificates Training 1005.20
      • Regulation E Subpart B Training
    • Lending
      • Fair Debt Collection Agenda
      • Fair Housing Training Application Items
      • Fair Housing Training
      • Fair Lending Training Agenda
      • FCRA Furnishers Credit Info Training
      • FCRA Red Flags Training Agenda
      • Flood Insurance Training Agenda
      • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Training Agenda
      • Registration Mortgage Lenders Training Agenda
      • Regulation AA Unfair or Deceptive Credit Practices Act Training Agenda
      • Regulation B Adverse Action Training 1002.9
      • Regulation B Applications and Prohibited Bases Training
      • Regulation B Applications Evaluation Training Agenda
      • Regulation B Appraisal Training Agenda
      • Regulation Z Right of Rescission Open End Training Agenda 1026.15
      • Regulation Z 1026.19 a thru c and g Training Agenda
      • Regulation Z 1026.19 e Training Agenda
      • Regulation Z 1026.19 f Training Agenda
      • Regulation Z Right of Rescission Closed End Training Agenda 1026.23
      • Regulation Z Appraisal Training Agenda 1026.35
      • Regulation Z Escrow Requirements Training Agenda 1026.35
      • Regulation Z Mortgage Transfers Training Agenda 1026.39
      • Regulation Z 1026.43 Training Agenda
      • Regulation Z Higher Education Training Agenda 1026.46
      • Regulation Z 1026.52 Training Agenda
      • RESPA Error Resolution Training Agenda 1024.35
      • RESPA Information Requests Training Agenda 1024.36
      • RESPA Mortgage Disclosure Training Agenda 1024.33
  • Test
    • Admin
      • Bank Knowledge
      • Bank Protection Act Test
      • Garnishment of Accounts Test
      • Identity Theft Test
      • Information Security Test
      • Regulation P Privacy of Consumer Financial Information Test
    • Deposit
      • Bank Secrecy Act Customer Identification Program Test
      • Bank Secrecy Act Test
      • Beneficial Ownership Requirements Test
      • BSA Monetary Instrument Recordkeeping Test 1010.415
      • Elder Financial Exploitation Test
      • Healthcare Fraud Test
      • ID Theft and Tax Refund Training Test
      • Regulation CC Test
      • Regulation DD Disclosure Requirements Test
      • Regulation DD Overdraft Requirements Test
      • Regulation DD Truth in Savings Test
      • Regulation E Consumer Liability Test
      • Regulation E Error Resolution Test
      • Regulation E Overdraft Services Test 1005.17
      • Regulation E Payroll Cards Test 1005.18
      • Regulation E Gift Cards Test 1005.20
      • Regulation E Subpart B Test
      • Regulation E Test
    • Lending
      • Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) Test
      • Fair Housing Act Application Items Test
      • Fair Housing Act Test
      • Fair Lending Test
      • FCRA Part 660 Furnishers of Information Test
      • FCRA Red Flags Test
      • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Test
      • Loans in Areas Having Special Flood Hazards Test
      • Registration of Mortgage Lenders Test
      • Regulation AA Unfair or Deceptive Credit Practices Act Test
      • Regulation B Adverse Action Test
      • Regulation B Application Evaluation Test
      • Regulation B Applications and Prohibited Bases Test
      • Regulation B Appraisal Test
      • Regulation B Test
      • Regulation Z Right of Rescission Open End Test 1026.15
      • Regulation Z Section 1026.19(a), (b), (c) and (g) Test
      • Regulation Z Section 1026.19(e) Test
      • Regulation Z Section 1026.19(f) Test
      • Regulation Z Right of Rescission Closed End Test 1026.23
      • Regulation Z Appraisal Test 1026.35
      • Regulation Z Escrow Requirements 1026.35(b)Test
      • Regulation Z Mortgage Transfer Disclosures Test 1026.39
      • Regulation Z 1026.43 Minimum Standards Test
      • Regulation Z Higher Education Test 1026.46 - 1026.48
      • Regulation Z Test 1026.52 and 1026.59
      • RESPA Mortgage Disclosure Test 1024.33
      • RESPA Error Resolution Test 1024.35
      • RESPA Information Request Test 1024.36
  • Monitor (Available in both .pdf and Compliance Checkup – Excel)
    • Administrative
      • Bank Knowledge
      • Garnishment of Accounts Containing Federal Benefits Payments
      • Lobby Notice
      • Regulation P Privacy
      • Right to Financial Privacy
    • Deposit
      • Bank Secrecy Act - 1000 - 1099 General
      • Bank Secrecy Act - 1010.415 Monetary Instruments
      • Bank Secrecy Act - 1020.220 Customer Identification Program
      • Bank Secrecy Act - 1020.315 Transaction of Exempt Persons
      • Bank Secrecy Act: Anti-Money Laundering Program
      • Bank Secrecy Act: Beneficial Ownership Requirements
      • Bank Secrecy Act: Due Diligence Correspondent Bank Accounts
      • Bank Secrecy Act: Due Diligence Private Bank Accounts
      • Regulation CC - Disclosure Requirements
      • Regulation CC - Subpart B
      • Regulation CC - Subpart C - Collection of Checks
      • Regulation D - Computation of Reserves
      • Regulation D
      • Regulation DD - 1030.3 Disclosure Requirements
      • Regulation DD - 1030.4 Account Opening Requirements
      • Regulation DD - 1030.5 Subsequent Disclosures
      • Regulation DD - 1030.6 Periodic Statement
      • Regulation DD - 1030.7 Payment of Interest
      • Regulation DD - 1030.11 Overdraft Payment Disclosure
      • Regulation E - 1005.6 Consumer Liability
      • Regulation E - 1005.7 Initial Disclosures
      • Regulation E - 1005.8 Change in Terms
      • Regulation E - 1005.9 Receipts & Periodic
      • Regulation E - 1005.11 Error Resolution
      • Regulation E - 1005.16 ATM Disclosures
      • Regulation E - 1005.17 Overdraft Services
      • Regulation E - 1005.18 Payroll Card Accounts
      • Regulation E - 1005.20 Gift Card Requirements
      • Regulation E - 1005.30 - 1005.36 Subpart B Requirements for Remittance Transfers
    • Lending - General
      • Appraisal Requirements
      • Appraiser Selection
      • Fair Credit Reporting - Part 660 Frivolous or Irrelevant Dispute
      • Fair Credit Reporting - Section 660
      • Fair Debt Collection
      • Fair Housing Application Items
      • Fair Lending
      • FCRA Risk Based Pricing
      • Flood Disaster Protection January 2016
      • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)
      • Regulation O Insider Lending
      • Registration of Mortgage Lenders
      • Regulation AA
      • Servicemember Civil Relief
    • Lending - Regulation B
      • Regulation B - 1002.13 Monitoring Information
      • Regulation B - 1002.14 Appraisal Requirements
      • Regulation B - 1002.9 Notification
      • Regulation B - Applications and Prohibited Bases
    • Lending - Regulation Z
      • Regulation Z - 1026.4 Finance Charge
      • Regulation Z - 1026.5 General Disclosures
      • Regulation Z - 1026.9
      • Regulation Z - 1026.15 Right of Rescission Open End
      • Regulation Z - 1026.17 General Disclosure Requirements Closed End
      • Regulation Z - 1026.18 Content of Disclosures
      • Regulation Z - 1026.19(a), (b), (c), (g)
      • Regulation Z - 1026.19(e) Mortgage Loans Secured by Real Property Early Disclosures
      • Regulation Z - 1026.19(f) Mortgage Loans Secured by Real Property Final Disclosures
      • Regulation Z - 1026.23 Right of Rescission Closed End
      • Regulation Z - 1026.35 Requirements for Higher Priced Mortgage Loans
      • Regulation Z - 1026.36 Prohibited Acts or Practices and Certain Requirements for Credit Secured by a Dwelling
      • Regulation Z - 1026.37 Content of Disclosures for Certain Mortgage Transactions (Loan Estimate)
      • Regulation Z - 1026.38 Content of Disclosures for Certain Mortgage Transactions
      • Regulation Z - 1026.39 Mortgage Transfer Disclosures
      • Regulation Z - 1026.42 Valuation Independence
      • Regulation Z - 1026.43 Minimum Standards
      • Regulation Z - 1026.52 and 1026.59
      • Regulation Z - Periodic Statements for Mortgage Loans
    • Lending - RESPA
      • RESPA - 1024
      • RESPA - Continuity of Contact
      • RESPA - Early Intervention
      • RESPA - Error Resolution
      • RESPA - Force Placed Insurance
      • RESPA - Loss Mitigation
      • RESPA - Mortgage Servicing Transfers
      • RESPA - Policies and Procedures
      • RESPA - Requests for Information
    • Technology
      • Bank Protection
      • Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
      • Identity Theft Red Flags
      • Safeguarding Customer Information
      • Service Providers
      • Website Review
  • Policy Checklists
    • Deposit Regulations Policy Checklists
      • Bank Secrecy Act Policy Checklist
      • Regulation CC Policy Checklist
      • Regulation DD Policy Checklist
      • Regulation E Policy Checklist
    • Lending Regulations Policy Checklists
      • Appraisal Policy Checklist
      • Flood Policy Checklist
      • Regulation B Policy Checklist
      • Regulation Z Policy Checklist
      • RESPA Policy Checklist
    • Management Policy Checklists
      • Deposit Accounts Policy Checklist
      • General Lending Policy Checklist
      • Loan Review Policy Checklist
      • Real Estate Lending Policy Checklist


The list is updated periodically as a result of regulation changes, additions, and audience recommendation.

Therefore the list is current as of the date at the top of this document.


The personnel at Chaotic Solutions, LLC, have been involved in the banking industry in the capacity of providing Training, Testing, Monitoring and other resource information related to the banking regulations governing the banking industry since 1990.

Bank Compliance Check Up Program Provides:

The Bank Compliance Check Up Program provides a comprehensive system for on-going monitoring of your bank’s compliance with Deposit, Lending, Administrative and IT/Tech/Security regulations.

Your subscription to Compliance Check Up includes: (Please visit for more information.)

  • Ready-made, checklists you download in Excel to help you determine if your compliance program is meeting regulatory requirements and providing adequate training.
  • Training and testing that corresponds with the checklists and aids in addressing any weaknesses or deficiencies in your compliance program.
  • A calendar to assist you with staying up-to-date on final rules and deadlines and to establish a routine compliance monitoring schedule.
  • Up-to-date Regulations & Agency Resources for easy reference.

Compliance Check Up requires Microsoft Office™ version 2010 or newer.

For more information contact ICBA at (800) 422-7285 or visit
