Check Your Ad
Use the Check Your Ad program to take the guesswork out of compliance checking your advertisements.
Check Your Ad will step you through the process of compliance checking your advertisements.
Available via this link, including how to subscribe - ICBA Compliance Dashboard
The Program:
- Checks Your Ad for compliance to the latest regulations
- Deposit Ads – Regulatory requirements in force now
- Closed End Lending Ads – Regulatory requirements in force now
- Open End Lending Ads – Regulatory requirements in force now and those requirements with mandatory compliance for July 2010
- Generates a report for each Advertisement
- Report shows where your Advertisement is not in compliance
- Use the report and the program as a tool to make your Advertisement(s) compliant to the regulations.
- Includes the regulations and “Staff Interpretations” in an easily searchable “Help” format for a more in-depth analysis of problem areas.
- Any of your staff members can run the program and be an expert on Advertisement Compliance.
- Requires Microsoft Excel®
Related resources
- The program works in Microsoft Excel™
- The program includes an interactive "Help" system.
- The "Help" system allows you to get more in-depth detail and information on the regulations that pertain to your banking advertisements.
- The "Help" system also includes the "Staff Interpretations" for a better understanding of the meaning(s) of the regulations.