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About Chaotic Solutions

About Chaotic Solutions

Chaotic Solutions provides training material and programs for regulation based industry. We generate topics based on the need of industry and the demand of their regulators. We are also conversant in taking material, already in use at the business, such as outdated videos, printed documentation etc., and converting it into a much more useable format. This allows for a broader and much more efficient distribution of the material.

Chaotic Solutions develops programs and Web sites for the Community Banker that aid in the following;

  1. Compliance and Training -
  2. Advertising Compliance - Check Your Ad
  3. Compliance - ICBA Compliance Dashboard

Look at our Products page to learn more - Products

Chaotic Solutions also has experience in taking existing company documents and placing them in a very orderly and easily accessable system. This provides the employee a single source for their company documents or procedures, for example. Another advantage of the single source documentation system is consistant versioning and easy maintenance of the complete portfolio.

Let Us Help You Achieve Success

You came here because you have information you want to disseminate.

You have requirements that cannot be met in house cost effectively.

We provide training material, either generated by us or by making use of your content.

We arrange the material in a very easy to use package that can be used on your desktop, integrated into your company's local area network (LAN) or published on your company's website.